Friday, December 15, 2017

I am trying to post about diy crafts for your room and want to know what you guys what me to post about. It can be anything from Christmas themed to summer themed. I will also take any suggestions.

Here are some diys that i have tried and are in my room. The first one is a cork board Bulletin that I painted  a white design on. After it dried I got some twine and little clothes pins that were black. I hung up the twine on the board and then hung the pictures of my choice on it. Then I put it up on my room.
This is what it kind of looks like!
   Image result for diy bulletin board for pictures
Another diy that I did was a jewelry holder. First get a china plate, any size you want. Get or purchase any type of figure or animal that's smaller. I personally did a  giraffe because it has a long neck to put rings on. then you can spray paint it gold or any other color. After that then you hot glue the animal to the plate and you get your final product.

Image result for diy jewelry holder plates
                                                         Until next time,

1 comment:

  1. How about doing like a Christmas Advent countdown craft?


Room Decor Birds Here are some links to YouTube videos on DIY crafts and Organization. Enjoy :) Back to school Hacks-       ...